New Doors

New Doors

The poor doors within our house have been kicked, destroyed, replaced and destroyed again, to the point we didn’t know if it would be worth it to replace these doors until he grew out of this phase. That was until Bentley came along, and decided to chew up things in rooms that had no doors. So, now that there is an issue again, doors have now been hung on frames that used to sit empty. Dillon’s door has a lock on the outside of it, so he can’t lock himself in his room without someone being able to get to him. This has been our misfortune lately, because before Dillon enters his room, he turns the lock and goes into his room and shuts the door, thus locking himself in his room. We never intended for this to happen, he just does it as habit, like walking into a room and turning on and off the lights. But this “locked door” fiasco has caused problems.

Dillon locks his bedroom door, then wanders into it, closes the door, then remains locked in his room until someone realizes he locked himself in his room. Most of the time he remains a happy camper while he waits for us to come let him out, but his patience is running thin and now he gets very angry when he isn’t let out right away. This locked door fiasco has caused a few major temper tantrums in the last few days, and we think now would be a good time to take off the lock altogether, before he attacks one of us or kicks down yet another door.


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